The System Works, Apparently
Remind me again, why can’t we start profiling yet? Both of these spots via Michelle Malkin, but there are already other examples and it is set to get worse before it gets better.
Well known military blogger and independent war correspondent Michael Yon reports that he was stopped at Sea-Tac airport and handcuffed by TSA agents:
Got arrested at the Seattle airport for refusing to say how much money I make. (The uniformed ones say I was not “arrested”, but they definitely handcuffed me.) Their videos and audios should show that I was polite, but simply refused questions that had nothing to do with national security. Port authority police eventually came — they were professionals — and rescued me from the border bullies.
And hilarious if it wasn’t so disgraceful:
Joan Rivers is many things: Funny lady. Jewelry mogul. Red carpet mercenary. But a terrorist?
Can we talk?
Rivers, 76, was deemed a danger to national security and booted from a Newark-bound flight in Costa Rica on Sunday by a jittery Continental Airlines gate agent who found the two names on her passport fishy.
Her passport reads: Joan Rosenberg AKA Joan Rivers. Rosenberg was her late husband’s last name.
The “nasty and cruel” Continental gate agent bumped Rivers from the last flight out Sunday and the comedian found herself alone (her daughter, Melissa, flew out to Los Angeles earlier in the day) and with no ATM card and just $100 cash, she said.
Rivers’ tale of woe put a famous face on travel’s new reality – one that leaves many feeling like common criminals.
“If I were going to make up an alias, I wouldn’t pick Rosenberg. I’d pick Jolie or Pitt,” said Rivers, back home Monday in New York with her sense of humor intact. “Do terrorists wear Manolo Blahniks? I can tell you Donna Karan does not make anything that hides a bomb,” she said.
So rather than being suspicious of young males of foreign persuasion, with names that identify them as of Muslim origin, with one-way tickets and no luggage, we are supposed to feel safe that they’re stopping Jewish grandmothers and people who rightly balk at asking stupid questions about their personal finances. It will be the literal death of us all.
It’s nonsense isn’t it?!
These two stories remind me of the answer that an American gave me when I asked him why do US border guards treat overseas visitors so rudely?
He said not to worry about it since they treat American travellers just the same because ‘if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys’