Climate Change Facepalm Moment of the Week
Shamelessly lifted from here and subsequently filed under the heading,
“You couldn’t make it up” . . . .
Today I met a young couple on their way to London for a ‘day of action’.
I happen to know that they live in Mummys house in the very best part of our town.
I asked “where you off to then ?”
‘Off to London to register a protest’
Oh yeah, what sort of protest ? ( in my best Baldric )
“Well, it’s a demonstration really,
No Actually its a Protest”, said he.
“wot you protesting about ?
Well, erm the climate, Copenhagen, that sort of thing.
Oh right, you’re protesting against Copenhagen ?
No, we are pressuring the Government into acting on manmadeglobalwarming.
Where you protesting then ?
Well, we will be meeting in Grosvenor Square and then marching on Parliament.
Oh right, outside the American Embassy
Is It ! ? The American Embassy ?
Very right-on I chided, gently.
Did you get permission from the Metropolitan Police to demonstrate outside The Houses of Parliament?
Well we dunno really
Whose flag will you be marching under? CND, ActionOnCO2 ?
We dunno really.
We Demand that the Government take action on Climate Change right?
So you are demonstrating in support of what the Government already wants ?
Not exactly hardcore says I.
Hmmm, well, there’s not much that I can add to that apart from saying . . .
It was an amusing conversation but we were in polite company and I felt unable to call them deluded wankers.
Still, I hope that they had a nice day out even though the Government orchestrated demo only managed to rustle up 20,000 eco-warriors, feminists, unionists and faith-groups; though no scientists it seems.
Sounds a bit, no a LOT, like the typical lefty Labour voter and activist to me, especially the ones under fifty who like to accuse Thatcher and the Tories for all the ills of the UK from about 1920.
Stewart, they were exactly like the anti-Maggie crowd, young, well off, probably employed in the public sector but knew sod all about the subject that they were supposedly protesting about. I expect they were really going for the shopping.
Strength GOT? You know what you need – spinach. That’s what Popeye ate. 🙂
Hi Subrosa, good to see you around 😀 .
Good to see you back!
Yes I do like my spinach but I find the vin rouge helps a bit too 😉
Good job I wasn’t there then Banned, I might well have offended their innocence with my particular brand of educational language technique 😉
This was a great encounter, I read over at Banned’s place and nicked too, Gotty.
It seems Labour and all fake Gov’ts employ the same techniques, same over here. Bussing in Paid Labor Union members all dressed up in their Purple SEIU shirts, and acting like a demented cheering section, whilst beating up dissenters. (Hopefully the smurf crowd didn’t beat anyone up.)
I laughed at this. I bet there are many others who could relate similar stories. Young, middle-class, so-called educated (indoctrinated) lefties. Well they would be lefties but they are not sure what that means. But hey ho.
I had to laugh also at the MSM who said that ‘up to 50000’ attended. The police have said around 20000. Not many is it when you consider that 1million were at the countryside alliance march. Or 500000 at the Iraq war march. Still made the little darlings feel good for a few hours while they dreamt of their next skiing holiday.
Now that’s what I call thick – just let’s you see the kind of brainwashed ignorant twats we’re up against! >:o
Yep banned, that about sums them up. Reminds of arseholes like Brigstock and Ben Elton; they will fight for the right of others not to have what they grew up with.
Hmmm, nice to be in my proper blogger clothes too…